Tuesday, January 20, 2015

To Escape

Coursing through my veins.
Thoughts never ceasing.
My mind is like a highway,
With anxiety riding it’s road.
They are all passengers.
Driving endlessly,
Through my head.
I see no exits,
Only constant pain.
I feel like breaking down,
Turning off the engine,
Never to start again.
Just to give up.
But then,
Right before I turn the key,
I find my escape.
Brown-blue eyes.
Eyes that don’t judge me,
Eyes that know me,
That drive worry far away.
A smile that makes my heart skip,
And cheeks flush.
Laughter that clears the roads,
And leaves nothing but joy.
No more doubt,
Or worry.
In this escape,
I find my friend.
Who organizes the chaos in my mind.
Whose caring arms chase away sadness.
And even if the escape is brief,
I cannot lose.
As long as he is there,
The anxiety cannot take me.

I am safe.

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