Friday, January 16, 2015

When the Moon Comes

The moon smiled widely onto the town.
It slowly crawled closer to the world.
Oh Tsar Lunar.
The townsfolk heard its approach,
Felt the change in the push and pull.
They saw the pulse of the shift.
It was as if nothing changed at all.
But nothing was the same.
They were fallen.
The small town of innocence cringed.
She flew over the rooftops.
The well rippled, the water excited.
Kay had nowhere to go.
She tasted the fear.
She was the one with no family.
It was her fault
No one would survive this.
The muddy sky parted for the final descent.
They were running, screaming, fleeing,
But with no safe place to turn.
She was happy.
Ay dios mío.
The moon laughed as it came closer.

It was huge, and it was close at the close.

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